Classic Anyone else having trouble telling the difference between interruptable casts and "shielded casts" since they changed the UI?

Before the change there was a thick border around cast bars which indicated that the cast was uninterruptable, now they have a shield icon behind the spell icon but no border around the cast bar itself. The issue is that when I'm checking a spell to see if I can interrupt it or not I'm not looking at the spell icon, I'm looking at the cast bar because I need to track its progression.They do have a colour system to help you out, uninterruptable casts are grey with a flat texture. But interruptable spells are also grey when they first start being cast and the bar hasn't filled up yet, and in the heat of the moment one probably isn't going to pay attention to the texture.Perhaps I just haven't gotten used to it yet, but could we please have the thick border around the cast bar again for uninterruptable spells? You don't have to get rid of the new stuff, I think the shield icon is more intuitive for newer players. I just think that having the indicator on the cast bar itself is better for faster brain processing in situations where there's already a lot going on. via /r/wow
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