
Visar inlägg från augusti, 2022

What server to join?

Just re enabled my sub and wanted to make a dk, but don’t know which server to play (na). I haven’t played since classic vanilla.

What my weekend is going to look like this week


where to find server que times

Does anyone know where I can find the current login que times for each classic server ? I found it once but cant find it again... Thanks

Classic I was having a bad day, but finally getting this mount made up for it :)

Bild via /r/wow

Classic My kids are with their mom until Tuesday and I finally sit down to hop on WOTLK Classic and this... Reminds me of the old days.

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Covenant campaign chapter 2 "Torghast" not checked.

I'm doing my covenant campaign for the first time and chose Night Fae. I've done chapter 1 and its checked off on my campaign. Iv'e also finished chapter 3 and its checked and I've started chapter 4 but chapter 2 "Torgast" is still white and not checked off. As far as I can see there are no quests left to do. I've checked a list of quests and I've done them all and its still not saying I've finished it. Is this a bug or did I miss something obvious? via /r/wow

Classic M+ group finder

I was looking for m+ groups the other day as I’m having a hard time matching with them people who want to spam dungeons over and over or push keys. I join a group, do top dps, +2 it, and still immediately everyone say tyfg and leaves.I’d like to find somewhere where people can meet up who want to find a more consistent group, I tried the m+ discord but didn’t see a lot of people actually trying to make a group. Any advice? via /r/wow

Classic Anduin Display of Power

​ via /r/wow

how to get druid mana bar below portrait to show text?

it's hard to tell how much i have when it only shows the bar with no text. i was using druidbar to tell me but i don't need to show 2 mana bars unless there's a way to get rid of the blizzard one

Questie "Fix"

Hey guys, if you're having issues with Questie today, try this out. I was up and running in under 3 minutes. Good luck out there!

Wrath of the Lich King Classic Upgades


Classic Stuck on Logging in to Game Server

Anyone else? via /r/wow

Classic is retail worth wasting my time on or should i be playing classicm

So ive always been super into wow, but for a while my mom didnt have money for internet so i could never play. Now im in college and i have internet and im OVERJOYED that i can play wow again. However, im not completely up to date with the current state of affairs. One of my favorite parts of leveling was experiencing all the different xpacs while leveling and almodt givinfbyour character history from it. Now, i HATE this new system where its 1-50 and u can normally only go through 1 or 2 xpacs per leveling experience (and its out of order which isnt as immersive). Thing is though, i also enjoyed raiding and mythic dungeons in legion, and i would like to get back into that stuff that is really at its peak innretail wow. So i guess my question is, what is worth playing more right now? Retail or classic(tbc and now wrotlk). As a busy college student with a compsci major and a minor in math as well as workinf at lowes, i only have time to really get into one so which one should i play (o...

Classic Deluxe Editions for Wrath Classic and Character Boost Now Available for Purchase

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Classic Finally finished Mage Tower for Ret! 😭

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Classic if you can only focused and play one class

What class will you play if you can only pick one. via /r/wow

Classic Whats the fastest way to farm iron scraps for transmog sets?

thank you! via /r/wow

high walord/grand Marshall weapon for solo DK BF?

I was just wandering if anyone has figured out if it's worth spending the time to farm out the 5k honor for HW/GM to help ease BF soloing and what honor can we expect from 61-69 brackets.

Classic which name yo

i got the following names reserved, which should i go with?bourbonshowsyamotha via /r/wow

question about holy priest or disc

I've leveled 3 priests in classic slash tbc all with the shadow priest route at 40.I've never played wrath as im new.Is it possible to dps with holy or disc.I freaking love healing dungeons but I struggled . I mainly solo because I'm retired and play alot. My real question is if I'm not healing is there a good dps skill in holy? Or is it like smite 5 times and wandThanks and I'm.hypeI'm going skinning and tailoring

Classic Think About Coming Back

Hi all! Lately I have been watching YouTube videos about WoW and I am tempted on jumping back in. Last time I played was Cataclysm so I know stuff has changed. I was around level 83 when I left, if I were to go back what level would I be at and can I finish the old content?Thanks in advance! via /r/wow

When You're Defending LM


Classic Not getting *any* loot from LFR. Do I have to complete a quest or something?

I’ve now completed 20 LFR raids with no loot since I started counting. It’s probably around 30 total.I have not completed the Shadowlands campaign. Do I have to? Is there a quest I need to do to unlock loot in Shadowlands raids?When I go do past expansion raids loot for Mogs drops like crazy via /r/wow

Classic fel bear

can someone explain how to get fel bear form via /r/wow

new to (official) wow question about wotlk servers

So i want to start in 2 days to play on wotlk classic fresh, EU, horde, mainly doing pve. But i want to be on the most populated server. Is that speculated to be the pve or pvp ?Also if i can ask what is the difference ? Like on pvp you are absolutely always pvp flagged and can attack and be attacked anytime anywhere ? -without it being turned/turnable offAnd if so, is the pve then going to be Only pve no pvp allowed (unless pvp zone/map/contested/etc), Or will it be: you cannot attack me, but if i attack you then you can attack me backThanks

Fresh Professions

What's everyone thinking for professions for fresh and with the +50% exp boost?Going to try to pick your end game professions from day 1?Gathering until later on? Though if this route do you plan to keep your profession level current with your level even if it mean slower leveling?Like I think even Tailoring or Enchanting would mean running some instances multiple times for cloth or greens even if you finished the quests and slow leveling a bit too..Do you plan to level cooking/fishing and first aid? and does your answer depend on your class your choosing?​I'm hesitance to think if AH will help level professions if you also want to keep gold for skills and mount, even if mounts are cheaper it will come sooner along with each 2 levels for skills with the boost..​I donno those are some of my incomplete thoughts, just wondering what everyone else is thinking.

Classic (oc) a bargain at twice the price

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Tazavesh should have been a Mechagon style zone

It feels weird having an entire city modeled and only used in a dungeonImagine a whole zone of bartering and Brokers everywhere, little secrets and grinds for various itemsI suspect this was cut content, the city seems waaaaaay too detailed to just be a dungeon via /r/wow

Is there any expectation of healer dps in classic? If no, when did that mentality change?

I always find it weird that healers won’t even do basic white swing dmg in 5man content. It does add up and can be beneficial depending on the class

Classic tips and tricks on making a guild -

My partner and I are interested in starting up a guild. Any tips, tricks and dips on how to do so? Thanks! via /r/wow

Benediction will suffer


Classic Do you guys know there is a painting in the Warlock/Rogue trainer area in Stormwind where the eyes follow you around the room?

Fucking Hilarious. How long has that been there? via /r/wow

Classic Upcoming Death Knight Changes on Dragonflight Alpha

Bild via /r/wow

Classic Glide Will Be Removed as a Potential Trigger for Momentum in Future Dragonflight Build

Bild via /r/wow

Classic It do be like that sometimes

Bild via /r/wow

Maladath discord!

Come join up for a non-toxic environment! Meet new people, find a guild!

Classic I think I see what Blizzard SHOULD do with tier-gear in Dragonflight

Let me preface this with saying that I haven't played WoW since Tomb of Sargeras. I was an avid player during the original launch, playing a Druid first and then settling into a Shaman. I played through Burning Crusade's original launch, through WotlK's original Launch. I quit just a little before Cata's release.I came back when Blackrock Foundry released, mythic raided Tomb of Sargeras, Emerald Nightmare, and Nighthold. Left just around the time Antorus came out.My main was Always an Enhancement Shaman after my first foray into the game as a druid.This talent revision is the closest Blizzard has come to putting the WoW needle back in my veins again in years...And I think they can seal the deal with one simple thing.A simple tier-bonus system.Every class gets the same tier bonus.2-piece: Grants you one additional Class talent point.3-Piece: Grants you one additional Spec talent point.5-piece: Grants you something not in the talent tree. Possible new talent point choice...

Classic What do you like to do when you’re bored, beside pvp and dungeons?

Just like the title says, I’m am quite bored right now and is looking for inspiration for what to do! via /r/wow

Classic So help me, Blizzard

Bild via /r/wow

Question for the AoE Pallies out there…

Filthy casual here. So I’m sadly pretty late to the whole AoE pally party, just discovering that I love it a few weeks ago while I was leveling an alt. I’m having so much fun with this play style that I started looking around for gear lists and consumables for AoE pallies in Wrath, but I’m not finding much, compared to tons of info from the classic & TBC classic eras.My question: do AoE pallies still exist in Wrath, and if so, does anyone have some info on what type of gear/consumables/etc. I should be aiming for?Thanks!

Classic quests

so i recently started wow a few days ago but after hitting around level 20 i realized that quest are becoming a lot harder to do solo, especially ones defending or killing multiple enemies and i was just wondering if it is basically necessary to have at least one other friend to play with or is the game still enjoyable solo? via /r/wow

Classic Healbot Help

Just joined my first 10 player BG and healbot is only showing 5? How can I expand it to include the whole raid/group? via /r/wow

Class/spec most likely to get raid spots in wrath?

Was there a class/spec in wrath that was high in demand in all the raids? I dont mean OP, popular classes since everyone will be playing that. I mean, stuff like shaman in tbc type of demand.Also, i dont want to compete too much over gear like dks wars and pallies.

The moment I step foot into Arathi Highlands


As someone who has never played WotlK and loves hardcore mode. Wish all my people the best luck out there.

Looking forward to playing with you all. Gotta wait for that next unemployment (shitty circumstances) check so I can start up an alt, and remember how to play my 70 mage. Not sure where the char ended up as I heard some dead servers (why I stopped) were all merged.

Classic I wish Blizzard would implement this

As a new player i'm dreaming of a system where the XP gain in a dungeon increases when you kill all bosses.I'm tired of having to follow the quick route of alt-rushers and not exploring all of it.The challenge is gone because of them, fine, but can I at least see the freaking bosses ? via /r/wow

What is the ultimate race/class combo?

Hello everyone.What is the most iconic combo in your opinion based on lore, style, min/max or for another reason?

Would you play Cata Classic?

Wotlkc is soon approaching, and many are wondering if this will be the final expansion they relive. Will you be collecting transmog or achievements if you know you won't continue? Did you actually love Cata? If you skipped Cata, would you come back for MoP?This is, of course, all without knowing the direction they'll even continue to take classic.

Classic Should I skip to Zereth Mortis to catch up 80 Renown faster on alt?

Already got the boost to 60. Now Im afraid this skip will make me miss a bunch of easy renown from campaign quests via /r/wow

Classic Great sword of the inferno

Is it still obtainable? via /r/wow