Blizzard keeping the percentage based reward system in arena during WOTLK. percentage based reward system was great when the population in wow was in the millions, but there are a fraction of the players playing TBC/WOTLK today, and even fewer doing arena.Approximately 4% of players that log a raid do any form of arena. (Look at number of individual parses for a region versus how many players show up on a site like IronforgePro)The same system that at the end of each season less than 1000 players across the entire region for all brackets receive any meaningful reward.Not to mention a decent chunk of those that do get into the top 0.5% are the same players on multiple alts playing with the same people they have other teams with on their alts.Why are we keeping this garbage system that makes it so your chances of getting rewards is directly correlated to the number of people doing arena, the fewer people that do arena, the fewer people can get rewards.


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