Classic Looting as a raider has never been so generous and also so disappointing

I've raided since vanilla in various forms from regular 40 man to heroic to normal to LFR and Mythic on and off and never has raid loot been this carefully designed and yet disappointing to receive.It feels like we have lots of systems through which to gain loot in a way that is meticulously and obviously controlled by Blizzard to spread loot out in a slow, measured way. The Great Vault is fantastic, personal loot isn't that bad (I pug a lot some seasons and prefer not to have to argue with half-guild groups about DKP etc etc) but at the same time I have never felt such crushing disappointing at getting loot from bosses as I have in Shadowlands.Basically, the loot drops are so stingy in raids now with only 2 - 3 pieces per boss on average that we have players getting about 2 pieces max for an entire run and, if they're lucky, one of those pieces is something they need (most players are doing M+ these days that I run with so raid loot is usually sidegrades or specifically targeted individual pieces).Not only that, but I think personally that getting loot SHOULD feel good MOST of the time. Except now that there are clear discrepancies between pieces (like tier legs vs non-tier), it feels AWFUL to get a bit of loot you DON'T want. Not only because it's useless, but it's also likely that it represents 50% of all the loot you're getting for the whole run.How many people have heard this when getting loot from Tarragrue or Vigilant Guardian: "Ah damn well there goes any chance of me getting decent loot this week...". That shouldn't be the prevailing thought in your head when getting EPIC LOOT.Winning loot from a boss should at best be a celebration and at worst be an opportunity to pass loot to others, but never feel soul crushing because you're running out of rolls.I think for Sepulcher I'd like to see the following solutions:Let me upgrade normal and heroic raid loot with valor just like I can already do in Mythic+Bring back bonus roll tokensLet The Jailer drop a universal tier token than can be traded for any tier slot piece.Wondering how many people might feel the same? via /r/wow


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