In defence of world buffs...

With the announcement that the new Season of Mastery will not allow Wbuffs in raid instances, I hope the classic wow community fully appreciate the consequences of this change which on the surface seems relatively benign.Many places in the game world that had lots of world PvP such as felwood, ZG island, Dire Maul and dark moon faire will be completely different now i.e. they will be dead apart from the occasional leveler but nothing like the massive faction battles we saw in Classic WoW. Also a huge part of my and other guild mates playtime during the week involved helping eachother get world buffs this created a sense of community and camaraderie which i fear may be lost. Ultimately there really isn't much else to do in the game once you reach end game.​A very simple change that the devs could have implemented would have been to include the chronoboon displacer in the game from day 1, but it would only be usable (boon and unboon) while non PvP flagged and in a rest area. This would allow players to continue playing their character inbetween raids but at the same time still allowing all the emergent gameplay that we saw in classic wow around world buffs e.g. world PvP, faction discussion around when to pop rend/ony/zg etc​Running into BRM with your fully wbuffed raid only to get annihilated by the opposing faction felt terrible at the time, but these events made the world feel alive and you were sure as hell to try and get that particular guild or players next time round or form alliances with other guilds of your faction to wipe them out. Ultimately to feel like you've won in a game you need to be able to lose as well.​Maybe something that has been forgotten is that a no world buffs category was only added to the Warcraft logs website mid way through classic. I think the next version of classic WoW would have been a fantastic opportunity for a playerbase driven no world buff raiding scene, with guilds setup from the very beginning to not use wbuffs and in the understanding that they would still be able to judge their skills(parses) & clear times compared to other non world buffed players and guilds. This would be much in the same way that the hardcore leveling community is completely playerbase driven and not enforced some way from Blizzard.Anyone has any thoughts on this?


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