Classic Strongest Orcish Clans

Now, for this post I'll be going over only the clans present on Draenor. Clans that were created on Azeroth or clans that are not very well known will be counted out. I will also only mention what they've done on Draenor before the invasion of Azeroth including the clans that were formed during when the Horde was still on Draenor. I will be ranking these clans from strongest to weakest.Please remember that this is NOT fact, but mostly my judgement on which clans were the most powerful. Feel free to put your view on which clans should be the strongest on this list in the comments.​Blackrock Clan​Blackrock bannerThe Blackrock clan was a very powerful clan in Gorgrond. All Orcs originated from Gorgrond and eventually moved out and into other areas of the continent, meanwhile the Blackrock clan stayed behind and studied the earth around them. While studying the earth around them they found Blackrock Ore which is their clans' namesake and as they studied this ore built forges to shape it into weapons. The Blackrock clan was powerful because of their ability to make weapons of outstanding quality and were many in number at that. It's said that Chieftain Blackhand forged weapons overnight when Ogres attacked his clans and along with Orgrim Doomhammer launched a final assault on the Ogres and drove them back. This battle with the Ogres was only mentioned in the comics so it may or may not be canon though. Their Chieftain Blackhand was also a brilliant strategist, he always found the enemy's weakness.​Warsong Clan​Warsong bannerThe Warsong were a powerful clan in Nagrand. Like all Orcs they originated from Gorgrond and eventually found their way to Nagrand. This clan was powerful and known for it's fierce warriors and Wolf Riders. In order to become a Wolf Rider the Orc must subdue the largest member of a pack of wolves then ride that wolf to the highest peak of Nagrand and then either the wolf would throw it's rider from the peak to their death or the wolf would be tame, obviously those that actually returned were named Wolf Riders. They also intimidated their enemies (mainly Ogres) with war cries hence their name "Warsong".​Bleeding Hollow Clan​Bleeding Hollow bannerThe Bleeding Hollow were from the Tanaan Jungle, one of the most dangerous places in all of Draenor. Despite danger lurking in every corner, Orcish clans still found a way to survive much like the Bleeding Hollow who found that the caves inside the jungle thrummed with power that they could tap into (Likely blood magic) some found glory in this power but others found only madness. The Orcs that could keep their sanity formed the Bleeding Hollow. These Orcs were shamanistic in a way by nature and used powerful blood magic to create powerful Orcs known either as Dire Orcs or Berserkers. The Chieftain of the clan had to undergo a ritual where they would sacrifice an eye for a vision of their own death. These Orcs were very resourceful seeing as how they have survived so long in one of the most hostile regions of Draenor.​Burning Blade Clan​Burning Blade bannerThe Burning Blade were from Nagrand and were known for their powerful blademasters who could fall an enemy with one blow faster than the eye can see. They were also able to create mirror images of themselves to either aid in combat or confuse the enemy.​Shattered Hand Clan​Shattered Hand bannerThe Shattered Hand were a powerful clan of former Orc slaves. These Orcs were enslaved by the Ogres of the Gorian Empire and forced to fight in arenas for the Ogre's entertainment. There was however a way out of being a slave, they had to kill 100 Orcs to earn their freedom. Kill after kill Kargath killed his hundred but was instead locked away again. Kargath now had other ideas in mind. Kargath cut off his own hand to escape his chains and replaced it with a sword attached to his arm. Other slaves soon followed and together they overthrew their Ogre lords and moved south to the Spires of Arak. Where cutting off ones own hand was a rite of passage of sorts. The Shattered hand were sadistic by nature and practiced self-harm after battles that were so brutal that you could not tell which scars the Orc had earned in battle or inflicted upon themself. This clan is also responsible for the extinction of High Arakkoa (normal looking Arakkoa, the ones that could fly.) who were either slaughtered by the clan or thrown into the Pools of Sethe and transformed by the malevolent dead god's curse.​Thunderlord Clan​Thunderlord bannerThe Thunderlords were the most hostile clan in Frostfire Ridge who sought to dominate the land instead adapting to it. For this reason they hunted the Gronn and other large creatures. They made their home in the bones of the last Colossal who is rumored to have been killed by the Thunderlords generations ago. This clan is also responsible for the extinction of Magnaron and Ogron, also the endangerment of Gronn in the main timeline who did so in order of Warchief Blackhand.​Frostwolf Clan​Frostwolf bannerThe Frostwolf were also from Frostfire Ridge and much like the Thunderlords they were skilled hunters. Although they did not try to dominate the land as the Thunderlords did they instead tried to gain an understanding of it and live in harmony with the world around them and so they became shamanistic by nature. So this clan was obviously not as hostile as the other clans but they were not weak, they fought when they had to and were skilled fighters at that. When the Red Pox disease spread throughout the Orcish clans the Chieftain Garad was quarantined in Nagrand after being infected and along with other Red Pox infected made a town that would soon be called Garadar in honor of him after he succumbed to the disease and is today the home of the Mag'har Orcs of Outland. In the alternate universe Garad was killed by his own son Fenris in the years following Fenris challenging Garad to a Mak'gora (fight to the death, refusing means great dishonor), but Garad left his son alive, refusing to kill his own kin. After the Mak'gora, Fenris left the clan and joined the Thunderlords since leaving your opponent alive in a Mak'gora is a grave insult.​Twilight's Hammer Clan​Twilight's Hammer bannerThis clan was quite infamous on Azeroth playing a big part in Cataclysm, but how were they created? During the creation of the Horde Gul'dan was seeking to bolster the ranks of the Horde to invade Azeroth, that's when he heard rumors of the Pale Orcs who he paid no mind to. However Kil'jaeden who was Gul'dan's master was intrigued and so Gul'dan sent his acolyte Cho'gall to check it out and see if they were worth the Horde's attention. When Cho'gall wandered into their caves he expected a fight, however there was no fight, the Pale were eager to share their teachings of the Void Lords from which they communed from the dark energies pouring out of Oshu'gun. Cho'gall paid no mind to these teachings at first but later came to understand and even worship the Void. That wasn't for a while though, right now Cho'gall was focused on Fel magic instead and was the first Ogre Warlock. Cho'gall eventually got them to join the Horde by telling them that the Horde was only a tool for them to bring about their "Hour of Twilight" and Cho'gall was made into their Chieftain.There is another version the Twilight's Hammer was created though and that was from a clan who's Chieftain was executed for not following the Shadow Council's orders and Cho'gall was made Chieftain.Laughing Skull Clan​Laughing Skull bannerThis clan of Orcs was deceptive and treacherous, they were led by an Ogre named Mogor. This clan was distrusted by all of the Orc clans seeing as how they were also insane to match their aforementioned traits. One of two things happened during the Alliance invasion of Draenor to stop the Orcs from invading other worlds. Either the Laughing Skulls were crushed by the Alliance which is the more likely version after holding their ground for some time or Mogor helped the Alliance secure Gorgrond and allowed Alliance safe passage through the region. At some point in time though after the destruction of Draenor, Mogor left the Laughing Skulls or survived and fled the Alliance attack on them and became a hero of the Warmaul Ogres in Nagrand before he was fought and killed in the Ring of Blood in Outland Nagrand by adventurers. In the alternate timeline the Laughing Skulls are not as treacherous as they help the Commander and the Frostwolves in securing much of Gorgrond and they seem to be very resourceful seeing as how their possible leader (no chieftain is mentioned in the alternate Laughing Skull Clan) Kaz the Shrieker mentions that "there is no such thing as a hungry skull" since they use the pollen harvested from the Ravagers to grow plants. They are savage Orcs and instead of cowering in the face of death they laugh at it.​Shadowmoon Clan​Shadowmoon bannerSome of you may be wondering why the Shadowmoon are this low on the list, there is enough information on them to give them a place on this list but why this low? That's because this clan was made of nomadic and peaceful Shaman who of course lived in Shadowmoon Valley. In the alternate universe they had little to offer the Iron Horde and so they gave themselves to the power of the Void to keep their clan from annihilation by the Iron Horde. In the main universe they became Warlocks after the elements ignored their call since they were being manipulated by Gul'dan and the elements had no love for Gul'dan or his actions. It is said that this was the most powerful clan in the main universe but I would beg to differ, sure they had numbers but they were a peaceful clan so if they went to war with other clans their shamanistic magic wouldn't last very long against say the Warsong or almost any other clan. However they were a very revered clan since shaman were placed very high in the Orcish hierarchy and here was a clan made of almost fully shaman with some warriors for protection of them.​Dragonmaw Clan​Dragonmaw bannerDespite the name, dragons were never native to Draenor and never appeared on Draenor until Deathwing came through The Dark Portal to plant eggs in Gorgrond. The clan was originally named Nelghor-Shomash and renamed to Dragonmaw when they encountered Dragons on Azeroth. This clan was home to Gorgrond and were known for taming Rylaks, two-headed flying beasts native to Draenor. Not a lot is known of this clan from it's time on Draenor but they were some of the best tamers of all the Orcish clans. This clan is also responsible for the endangerment of Rylaks in the main universe because before the Horde invaded Azeroth there was a food shortage so they turned on their Rylak friends. Rylaks still exist in the main universe but they are not the same as they once were, they are now known as Bladewing Bloodletters near the Thunderlord Stronghold in Blade's Edge Mountains on Outland.​Bonechewer Clan​Bonechewer bannerThis clan was much like the Bleeding Hollow since they too settled in the hostile region of Tanaan Jungle where danger lurked in almost every corner. Also like the Bleeding Hollow they sought the power inside the caves of Tanaan instead of finding glory in this power like the Bleeding Hollow had however these were the Orcs that instead found madness. Among the most savage clans of Draenor they were named after their willingness to resort to cannibalism, much to the disgust of the other clans. They were also known to carry the bones and possibly even organs of their enemies into battle. This clan unlike many other clans were not originally sent to Azeroth in the opening of The Dark Portal. They did however play a part when The Dark Portal opened for a second time to retrieve artifacts to go to different worlds. One of these artifacts was the Skull of Gul'dan who passed owners until it fell into the hands of either a Bonechewer captain of the Bonechewer chieftain (I've seen both versions so the lore gets a little bit fuzzy here) where it was retrieved by the Shadowmoon Clan who destroyed the Bonechewer Clan's camp. In the other version where it fell into the hands of the Bonechewer Chieftain Hurkan Skullsplinter, Grommash Hellscream was sent to retrieve it, but when Hurkan would not give it up willingly Grom killed him and took the skull. After killing the Chieftain Grom demanded a replacement for Hurkan so that the pledge of loyalty to the Horde by the Bonechewers could be renewed, Tagar Spinebreaker answered his call.​Bladewind ClanNot much is known about this clan as they played little part in the Orcish history (hence there not being a clan banner) enough information is given for them to become important enough to be placed on this list. The Bladewind Clan is only known to have been skilled fighters and that during Gul'dan trying to unite the clans into the Horde he spread Red Pox into the Bladewind, killing off 70% of the clan. Gul'dan blamed the Draenei so the Bladewind went on a killing spree and sacrificed Draenei to appease the elements. Of course the Draenei were no pushovers so they did not take kindly to these brutal sacrifices and quickly put an end to the clan for good. The other clans having not known about the Bladewind killing sprees were angered by this as they saw this as the Draenei wiping out a defenseless clan and this fueled their hatred of the Draenei.​This marks the end of this list, thank you for reading and please remember that this is NOT fact but mainly my opinion of the clans and where they should be placed on this list of most powerful clans. via /r/wow


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