Classic CPU vs GPU usage on WoW?

I’m wondering how intense the latest WoW is on computer systems, is it more CPU or GPU powered? I’m asking to determine if I get an eGPU or go PC, more on this to follow...I’m a newly returning WoW player, after at least 5 years. I was playing back in Pandaria and WOTLK on a Dell XPS Studio Laptop. It got hot, but a cooling pad kept it going now ten years strong and played the game great!Here I am in 2020, and now with a MacBook Pro 2017 15 inch top of the line upgraded 3.1ghz i7 processor, and upgraded graphics card. Gaming was kind of on the back burner, but I’d like to reminisce a little. I went to play and boom, found my computer hitting 95 degrees in minutes, fans overclocking to max, and my GPU was firing at 100% of its capabilities, and 67% when windowed while I check stats.The plot twist? My CPU was sitting at 87% idle! As if it wasn’t even being used, so is this safe to assume WoW is much, much more GPU based? I’ll admit I was just standing in-game, so no raids or dungeons yet. I couldn’t imagine the heat on my laptop during a raid if it wouldn’t shut itself down.Is there anyone with experience on MacBook heat with the latest Wow graphics? Using an eGPU or not? I’ve tried playing with settings and tbh downplaying the settings just ruins the game for me, I’d like to game on a system that I know will keep up the longevity of the system. Thanks in advance to anyone’s input! via /r/wow


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