Classic Some of Sylvanas story retconning that doesn't make sense.

First, before the storm book, she said that she never wanted to be Warchief and she hated and cursed Vol'jin for making her one, then in Blizzcon with an interview with steve Danuser said she planed from the start to be Warchief.the second thing is burning the tree, first, they said in the twitter release video she was going to capture the tree but something happened that changed her mind (that is the dying night elf and you can't kill hope thing) Then in Blizzcon 2019 Ion said she was trying to kill as many of people as possible so their souls can go to the maw, and burning the tree was part of her plan.Third about the wrath gate, we know that it was by some forsaken that betry Sylvanas that did this and then Sylvanas said they have taken her city and tried to get help to get her city back, but in an interview with Alex Afrasiabi 2018, he said she was the one who ordered the attack.Like isn't the basic rules of so-called themself writers to look back in the story and see what the character said and did, and try to write something that consistent, not the opposite of what they told us.Do the writers want to feel smart by pretending they set things years ago even tho the original source material doesn't really back it up that much?I would love to hear your thoughts on this and if they're more things they retcon to Sylve character. via /r/wow


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