Classic Fastest way to level followers in Legion Class Order Hall

So, I'm coming back to WoW after a hiatus and I want to go back and get all of the class mounts. I forgot how much work goes into it. Most of the stuff isn't too bad as I also want to get them all to 120, so even the dungeon quests are easily soloable with trash gear.​My biggest issue is with the timers on the class order hall missions (some of them add up to like 10 hours in total... sigh), but I don't think there is a way around that. My second biggest issue is with the follower level requirements on some of the missions. Right now I'm working on my druid and my warrior, and my druid is at a point where his followers are level 103-109 and I end up with 30-40% success rates with them (Powering the Portal missions). What is the fastest way to level up followers just enough to get the class mount missions done?​I don't know if all the classes require high level followers eventually or not, but I really don't want to level them all with missions and take an extra week or more just so I can keep moving forward. Everything else feels like it can easily be done in 2, maybe 3 days tops, doing 2 at a time. via /r/wow


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