New Player Help

Hey everyone, i'm brand new to the classic experience and am looking for tips and general info about the game going forward.Back when Vanilla was the new hotness I was playing FFXI and so missed out of the epicness that was WoW. I actually found some old screenshots from about 15 years ago off FFXI.Because I'm new i'm struggling to pick a class and wonder if the leveling and end game experience is more fun for Priest or Druid. I really wana heal and heard that priest is the best but also heard that Druid can heal just as well and even off tank pretty well for variation.I've also heard that Blizz may not be listening to players recently because there might not be RP-PVP servers. I love RP and PVP so it'd suck not to be able to do this. Also Blizz is implementing layering on servers which players can abuse. Can't say i like that. Are these things i should worry about?Another thing i worry about is longevity of the game. People saying that there might new new content after it or they just do the old expansions over again. whats the general view on this?Anyway, thanks in advance for your help. Hopefully see you all in Classic in 8172741302192184912484 nanoseconds!! I'll for sure have my battlestation ready for the fun!


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